✓ Handmade in Denmark     ✓ Free delivery in EU  

Terms & Conditions

The terms & conditions below apply to all purchases made at jagtvaerkstedet.dk.

Sminge Moellevej 1
8600 Silkeborg

VAT. no. DK40501916

All prices are in Euro and include VAT and taxes. These prices are only valid within Denmark’s borders except Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Visa/Debit card (fee 0.0%)
MobilePay (fee 0.0%)
MasterCard (fee 0.0%)

Free shipping on purchases over DKK 500.

Otherwise, shipping is DKK 49 including VAT.
When ordering, the order is shipped within 1 to 3 business days. The money is deducted from your account when the goods are shipped from jagtvaerkstedet.dk.

I generally ship the packages by GLS. Expect a delivery time of 2-3 days.

Orders are not shipped on weekends or public holidays. Additional shipping costs due to incorrect delivery address are always borne by the buyer. jagtvaerkstedet.dk waives responsibility for the shipment in case of an incorrect address and pays no damages in this case. If the package is not picked up at a parcel shop, it will be returned to jagtvaerkstedet.dk, and a fee of DKK 50 is applied to cover administration and shipping costs.

If you regret your purchase (right of withdrawal)
You have 14 days right of withdrawal when you shop at jagtvaerkstedet.dk.
The cancellation period expires 14 days after the day on which you received your product.
You cannot withdraw from your purchase just by refusing to receive the product without giving jagtvaerkstedet.dk a clear written notice of this.

You must return your product to us without unnecessary delay – and no later than 14 days after you have notified jagtvaerkstedet.dk in writing that you wish to cancel your purchase. You must bear the direct costs of returning the product.
When returning the product, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is wrapped securely.
You bear the risk of the product from the time of delivery of the product.

The condition of the product when you return it
You are liable for any deterioration in the value of the product, which is due to any handling other than what is necessary to determine the product’s nature, properties and the way in which it works. In other words, you may test the product in the same way as if you tested it in a physical store.
If the product is tested in any other way than what is described above, we consider it to have been used, which means that, in the case of withdrawal of the purchase, only some, or none, of the purchase amount will be returned to you, depending on the commercial value of the product.
In order to get the full purchase amount back, you can do the same as you can do in a physical store. You may test the product but not actually use it.

Refund of the purchase amount
If you withdraw your purchase, you will of course receive a refund of the amount you have paid. If there has been depreciation for which you are liable, it will be deducted from the purchase price.
If you exercise your right of withdrawal, jagtvaerkstedet.dk will reimburse all payments received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs resulting from your own choice of a different form of delivery than the cheapest form of standard delivery).

The payment will be reimbursed without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which jagtvaerkstedet.dk has received notification of your decision to withdraw from this agreement. Refunds are made using the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise.
We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the returned product, unless you have previously provided documentation that you have returned it.

If you regret your purchase, the goods must be sent to:
Sminge Moellevej 1
8600 Silkeborg

What do I need to include in the return package?
You must enclose a copy of the order confirmation. Please note that we do not accept packages that are sent cash on delivery!

You always have a two-year right of complaint when you shop at jagtvaerkstedet.dk. This means that you can complain about flaws and deficiencies in the product. You must complain within reasonable time, after discovering the defect in the product.
If the complaint is found to be just, your costs related to the complaint will be refunded. This also applies to shipping costs if you have chosen the cheapest possible shipping for the return. You must contact jagtvaerkstedet.dk at mail@jagtvaerkstedet.dk before returning the product.
When you receive goods from jagtvaerkstedet.dk, you must always check whether the packaging is intact. If it is not, it must be reported either to the post or the carrier, and jagtvaerkstedet.dk must be notified of this

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