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Privacy Policy

This website uses “cookies”, which is a text file that is stored on your computer, mobile, or other device in order to recognise the user, recall preferred settings, collect statistics, and accurately target ads. Cookies cannot contain malicious code, such as a virus.

Personal data

General information
Personal data comprises all types of information that can be attributed to you to some extent. Når du benytter vores jagtvaerkstedet.dk indsamler og behandler vi en række sådanne informationer. This happens, for example, when accessing content if you sign up for our newsletter or send us a contact message.

We have established technical and organisational procedures to ensure that your personal data will not accidentally nor illegally be deleted, published, lost, compromised or disclosed to a third party, misused, or otherwise treated in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Your data is located with a Danish ISO security certified web hosting company. Furthermore, we have protected the website in the following ways:

  • Operational monitoring (skysolution will be notified if the page is down 24/7)
  • Daily backup that is saved for 30 days
  • Anti-hacking software is installed on the website/webshop and the site gets scanned weekly for malicious software
  • Access to the site and data is monitored and access is denied after 5 failed attempts.
  • Audit log of who/what/when changes made to the site
  • Continuous update of the site’s software to minimise hacking attacks
  • SSL certificate added to the site for it to run https

Period of storage
The data will be stored for the time that is permitted by law, and will be deleted when no longer needed. The length of time depends on the nature of the data and the reason for storage. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a specific time-frame for when data will be deleted.

Disclosure of data
Disclosure of personal data such as name or email address, etc., will only occur if you give your written consent to do so. We only use data processors within the EU with whom data sharing agreements have been made.

Insight and complaints
You have the right to be informed of which of your personal data we process. You also have the right to object at any time to our processing your data. You can also withdraw your consent to having your personal data processed. If the data that we have about you proves to be incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Henvendelse herom kan ske til: mail@jagtvaerkstedet.dk. If you want to register a complaint concerning our processing of your personal data, you also have the right to contact Datatilsynet (The Danish Data Protection Agency)..

This website is owned and published by:

Sminge Moellevej 1
8600 Silkeborg

Phone: +45 9155 7187
Email: mail@jagtvaerkstedet.dk
VAT: DK40501916

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